October is fall in Austria and a quiet season in which to visit. That's great news if you're looking for discounted accommodation. There are fun events such as Oktoberfest-like celebrations and film and museum/gallery festivals in the cities. October is also a fun time to head to Alpine villages for a dose of traditional culture, which includes dressed-up cows. Find out more about traveling to Austria in October.


October is mid-autumn in Austria, and although the temperatures drop, the weather is still generally fine and dry. The average October high is around 59°F (15°C), with mountain towns colder. By October, the leaves on the trees are turning red and gold even at lower altitudes, and this can be a pretty sight in the parks and gardens of cities as well as in the hills and mountains. Daylight hours are getting shorter as winter approaches, but there should still be enough hours of sunshine to get out and about.

Crowds & Costs

October is a quiet time for travel to Austria, sandwiched as it is between the general merriment of summer and the snowfield action of winter. This is an excellent month to look for discounts on flights, train travel, and accommodation, especially in the cities, which never close. However, you may find off-season closures in some smaller places.

Where to Go

October is an ideal time to visit the capital, Vienna, as there is a range of events and festivals put on around the city (see more below). When the weather's fine, taking a walking tour is a good way of learning more about the periods and movements that have shaped the city: neo-classical, Baroque, Art Nouveau, Art Deco, and modern art are all on display.

If you can't fit all your museum and gallery-going into the day, don't miss Vienna's Long Night of the Museums, usually held on one night (6 pm-1 am) in early October. Most of the city's museums participate. As well as the great exhibits, check out some beautiful buildings lit up at night.

For a dose of traditional Austrian culture of a different sort, head to the Alpine regions in early October to witness the Almabtrieb processions. Cattle are brought down from the higher to the lower pastures and valleys for the season. Cows and humans alike dress in colorful traditional adornments and parade through the main streets of towns. Tyrol is a perfect place to head for these events. (Note that in some regions, these processions happen earlier in September).

What to Do

Learn more about Austrian culture through its food and drink, and stay warm at a cozy indoor gathering in the fall. Attend an Oktoberfest celebration (generally starting in late September), try beer from a local beer hall or wine in a local heurigen (traditional tavern). Austria being Austria, you can also find a classical or modern music concert to accompany your merrymaking; check out Vienna's Wiener Wiesn-Fest in Prater Park.

October (and fall in general) is an excellent time to go paragliding in Austria, as thermal and wind conditions are generally good. Whether you're a beginner requiring a tandem flight with a guide or an experienced paraglider who can go solo, there are many places to paraglide in Austria, including Hallstatt, Innsbruck, Salzburg, and the Zillertal Valley.

Events in October

Wiener Wiesn-Fest, Vienna. Eat and drink at Oktoberfest-like celebrations and listen to live music, starting in late September and running into October.

Viennale Film Festival, Vienna. In late October, view short films by directors from different traditions and regions of the world.

Austria National Day, nationwide. Expect business closures on October 26, Austria's national day commemorating its declaration of neutrality in 1955.

More Helpful Information

Austria in September
Austria in November
Best Time of Year to Visit Austria
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